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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trip to Santa Fe and Ghost Ranch

Recently traveled to Santa Fe and toured the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and her home and studio in Abiqui. Really inspiring, so here are two of my paintings, painted from photos that I took on the trip. The poplar trees were brilliant, and the bluffs of Ghost Ranch stunning.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Park Hill Art Club Fall Show and Sale

You're invited to the Park Hill Art Club Show and Sale, Friday, Nov. 5, 4:30-8, Sat. Nov. 6, 10-6, and Sunday Nov. 7, 9:30-4. I'm not in the show this year, but there will be over 1,000 original pieces of art for sale at great prices. Park Hill United Methodist Church, 5209 Montview Blvd. , Denver, CO.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Color Field Painting

Studying color fields. Reproductions of paintings by Jules Olitski's Tin Lizzie Green, and Mark Rothko's #34, that I did by glazing, using layers of oil paint mixed with Res-n-gel and mineral spirits. American painter Helen Frankenthaler is credited with pioneering this new technique, in which color gained primacy and became both composition and subject matter. I am learning this technique from Carlene Frances